Essay on the future of fashion
When thinking about the future, holography certainly will be a part of it. There are a lot of developments going and it is getting more important in many different industries. The holographic image is getting clearer and there will be more ways to project the holographic images. Although holography might seem like science fiction, one thing is for sure; this fiction is destined to become reality. In twenty years we will use, surround and wear holographic images as if it is the most normal thing in the world.
Symbolism in fashion
It is interesting to notice how many symbols there are in our everyday life. Symbols are everywhere around us and certainly in the art world. They are interpreted in different ways; this makes them interesting but also hard to follow. Fashion picks up symbols without people really noticing. This moodboard shows that symbols are hidden in different aspects of the fashion industry. In the above pictures symbols are used in clothing, appearance, feel, accessories and attributes.
There are two interesting things about these symbols. Firstly most of the times people do not even notice the symbols. People either just accept it the way it is or they do not. They are not realizing that some images do really have a meaning in other cultures and also in different times, looking at history. Even the designer or brand has no idea whatsoever sometimes. The second interesting thing is the interpretation of symbols. Some symbols are interpreted differently in other cultures. But it also happens that the designer or brand has a totally different vision about the meaning than the audience has.
When researching symbolism, you will find it everywhere. And as long as there are symbols there will be a lot of different interpretations and different meanings to them. And that is what makes it interesting.

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